Chaka Khan-Ain't Nobody Loves Me Better! Dedicated to my most dedicated fans :-) at Encyclopedia Dramatica

When Youtube first started it's community, I was one of their first video bloggers. In fact, I've kept a video journal since 1964 and continue in to this day. During this journey, there have been ups and downs, laughter and tears, panic and pure euphoria, love and hate, pain and healing and almost anything else you can imagine. I shared my entire life with viewers and over several years became one of the most viewed and subscribed channels in the history of Youtube. Sadly as I was diagnosed with terminal illness, hooked up to oxygen and heart monitors some vicious and evil cyber trolls decided they would take on a new mission. Unknown to me at the time a group of "cybertrolls" some that I knew in real life and others that decided to target me just as a vulture circles over their soon to be dead prey, I waited in the hospital for a verdict of whether or not I would live or die. During the same period of time I was "Jane Doe #8" waiting to testify in the Anthony Pellicano trial. I had waited for 15 years to be vindicated for what this man and his thugs did to my life. Sadly, even though I did survive those 15 years, I was entering a new phase of my life that would victimized, humiliate and ridicule me again just as Pellicano and his corrupt cops and political Hollywood connections did 15 years ago. As I documented these years, I posted the video diaries I had made on the internet, this group set up to destroy not just everything that existed about me on the internet, but they seemed hungry to make me the "Adult Version of Megan Meier". For those of you familiar with the Megan Meier case, trolls find it thrilling and a "SCORE" in their world of games, evil and manipulation when they can drive someone to suicide through their constant harassment, humiliation, ridicule and worse. Megan had committed suicide. My viewers were familiar with my innermost thoughts as I shared my life with them. They knew that I suffered often from depression and since I had already been told I was terminal I had already looked in to physician assisted suicide so that my family would not have to suffer with my choices. As I prepared for my testimony in the Pellicano case, I was told that I could no longer "vlog" and had to keep quiet to focus on the tasks at hand. My ONLY desire during this time was to stay alive long enough to testify, so that what happened to me would never ever happen to anyone else.
Below is the original intro to my Youtube Video Diaries:
Cheryl Shuman Haters
Location:, 468 North Camden Dr., #200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
"If You Knew Exactly How Much Time You Had Left to Live Life As You Know It....How Would You Live the Rest of Your Life? After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, today I live each day as if it might be my last. To best describe my "life story" it's somewhat like a fairy tale, soap opera and chick flick combined in a video diary that I'm sharing with you. My goal is to get to know you while I can and make the best of every minute that I have now. I grew up as a child of poverty with one of those "rags to riches stories". The media has referred to me as the "Real Life Beverly Hillbilly". I hope that it will be inspirational.
Many of you have asked for my mailing address. My Beverly Hills office address is still accepting my mail at:
Cheryl Shuman, 468 North Camden Dr., #200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
or to get to me faster and directly in Ohio:
Cheryl Shuman, P.O. Box 06249, Columbus, Ohio 43206-0249
As you've read in the channel description, I've been smacked in the face with a health crisis. There's a saying that when you're dying, your entire life flashes before your eyes. Well, in my case, I've worked in television and celebrities practically my entire life. In addition to that, I started keeping a video journal in 1974 to record my thoughts and experiences. I was always too tired to write in a journal, but I found my video camera to be my best friend and confidant'. It is my hope that as I review some of my history, memories and experiences with you that you will learn, laugh and grow and perhaps even be inspired by being a part of my life as I embark upon this journey with you. Because I don't know what my future holds, my plan is to simply try to live each and every day to the fullest extent possible and to share that with you :-) It is my sincere hope that we can become friends and get to know each other. It is also my hope that I can add something positive to your life through my experiences. That being said, I'm cutting and pasting the background information about my career and company so that you will know more about my life so far, workwise anyway. :-) You'll be getting to know much more about me personally as we continue this "Video Diary" experience. I must stress, that this channel and the experiences and videos are all real. There is nothing scripted here like the LonelyGirl15 series or some of the others on YouTube. I'm not putting them down, it's just a completely different channel. The videos and my experiences shared with you are very real. I am NOT now NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN AN Actress! I've never had a desire to act. I have worked in television, yes, but my work in television has been that of what is considered to be an "expert" commentator in my respective fields of work. I'm looking very much forward to getting to know all of you as one human being to another. That being said, I've pasted a backgrounder on my career below. I've had a tendency to be a workaholic my entire life, so forgive me if it somehow seems out of place, but I thought it was important that you have an idea of "where I'm coming from" Here it is: In 1978, at the age of 18 Cheryl then known as Cheryl Peart, made her debut with the Bob Braun show on WLWT-TV in Cincinnati, Ohio and was dubbed America's Coupon Queen. Braun was so impressed that he offered her a position as a regular on the show. Within days another offer was made where Shuman appeared nationally on the popular television series PM MAGAZINE. As an entrepreneur and the nation's youngest syndicated television journalist, her couponing and refunding system made her a branding expert with America's biggest corporate brands. Shuman's career was cut short by a near fatal car crash that ended her career. Transforming herself, Cheryl served an apprenticeship with Dr. Michael Byars of London, Ohio and survived with her backup plan as a Licensed Optician. She moved to California and married Extra TV and Fox News reporter Phil Shuman. After a chance meeting with Michael Jackson, Shuman became the darling of the film and television industry by making house calls with her eyewear to the most famous faces in the world. Beginning in 1984, Optician to the Stars, Cheryl Shuman, was one of the pioneers in marketing the fashion industry to the entertainment industry. As an Optician having direct eye to eye contact, Shuman, realized the power of celebrity and how that power can make a designer or product a household name overnight. Shuman is single handedly credited with some of the biggest trendsetters in the history of sunglasses and eyewear. Terminator 2, When Harry Met Sally, Thelma and Louise, Bat Man, Mission Impossible and Erin Brockovich are just a few of the more than 3,000 feature film and television projects that she is credited with during her 20 year history. Cheryl Shuman. has appeared on hundreds of television programs, newspapers and magazines, including, but not limited to: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, Extra, Mike and Maty (ABC), Today Show (NBC), HBO Entertainment News, and more. Through her personal relationships and connections with Hollywood Royalty and the media, Cheryl Shuman shares all of the latest trends in celebrity inspired fashion trends, hotspots for travel, spas, dining, sports, comedy and everything else you can imagine all through the technology of streaming video on the internet and television syndication outlets.
Skills & services
Production Branded Entertainment Product Placement Public Relations Celebrity Marketing Event Management and Production 468 North Camden Dr., #200 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310.285.1777
Labels: chaka khan, cheryl shuman